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Our mission is to educate the whole child by equally engaging the mind, enlivening the imagination, and strengthening the will. We teach in an environment that fosters a love of learning, a depth of understanding, and a sense of community.  As a non-profit we depend greatly on donations and grants. We appreciate your generosity! 

At our school we believe in nurturing the minds, bodies and hearts of our students. We engage in rigorous academics, the imagination and hands-on activities within every subject to enhance and enrich learning. With respect for emotional and social learning support that is needed today, teachers and staff nurture our diverse student body through trauma-sensitive, relationship building restorative practices.

EWS is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and will gratefully provide a receipt for your tax-deductible donation. Donate Here!

What is the Annual Giving Campaign?

What does the campaign fund?

The Annual Giving campaign is the most important fundraiser of the school year. It is the opportunity for us all to work towards the community we dream of and close the circle in funding that exists between tuition revenue and the ever-increasing cost to operate our school, which includes faculty and staff salaries, professional development, tuition assistance, and facilities maintenance and improvements. The Annual Campaign is the dedicated venue in which we, as a school, ask for support from everyone in our school community – current parents, faculty, staff, alumni, alumni parents and friends of the school.

Does my gift qualify for tax credit?

Yes. Eugene Waldorf School is an independent not for profit school. All gifts are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged by the school with a letter that verifies your contribution. To make arrangements for stock transfers or gifts in other forms, please contact

Why is 100% participation needed?

Having a unified and supportive school community is one of the essential markers larger donors, sponsors, and foundations look for when considering making a gift to our school. Additionally, it is a concrete expression of our unified and striving community spirit.

What about tuition?

Tuition covers about 90% of our annual expenses. Raising tuition to cover all operating expenses would require a drastic increase of annual tuition, which would make our school out of reach for many families. Eugene Waldorf School strives to stay as accessible as possible so a wide range of families can attend.

Can my gift be matched by my employer?

Many company’s match employee charitable contributions. Please check with your Human Resource office. You may be able to double or even triple your gift!